
Sophistication – even in the Laundry Room?

Sophistication – even in the Laundry Room?
In order to have order…we must be orderly, yes, even in the Laundry Room.  It could give us the serenity, calm, and peace that we strive to maintain through the rest of our home.  Laundry rooms are usually a small enough space that we can control them pretty easily.
The famous Leonardo Da Vinci said,
“Simplicity is the Ultimate sophistication.”
When tackling that chaotic spot you call a Laundry Room where all things CLEAN originate from…really just keep it simple.
Just think of Apple and Nike's logos, are you convinced yet?

I found some before and afters for your viewing pleasure!

Note: they are simple yet sophisticated - see!?


"There's no place like HOME." - Dorothy, The Wizard of Oz

Why me, why now, why a blog, well, why not? 
And quite frankly if I keep on asking so many questions 
this blog will never be blogged.
Here’s where I start, I am Sharon, a “home enthusiast,” I live in one, I love them, I dream about them, I am obsessed with them, I help people buy and sell them and I love anything that has to do with creating a HOME. I came up with the brilliant decision to spread my knowledge, and with any luck, gain some.  
Join me as I gather and toss around ideas, inspirations, tricks, locations and communities that I consider HOMEY. (and I mean that in the best possible way) 

So, open the door, walk in, take your shoes off and stay awhile, wiggle your toes into the carpet and flop on the couch…this is your HOME!